Monday, January 19, 2009

Am I crazy yet???

It sounds so crazy
When I trust a person like I do to my self
When peaople around me tell me about him
What ever it is.. Only God knows
And my heart ofcourse

I -till this time- still trust you, Like I trust the next sun rise tomorrow morning
Still be myself and keep moving towards my destiny
Reaching everyseconds of my chance to get to know you
Eventhough it's hard to believe sometimes

But you
just like a daffodile in the end of winter
Starting spring in my life
So I can see the sun, rising up for the second time
This world, rotates again after it stopped for long time

It's like hundred years of waiting till that day
But it's always very exciting to me
eventhough we still don't know what gonna happen is
Just let's never stop hoping for the best to us

To someone who helped me on my decision, deep down inside this heart.. Iam proud of you, And I'll always be.. Take care u there..

1 comment:

  1. I do not understand the language, this narrative of what? This appears to depict the content of your heart? emmmmm ....:-?


In a nut shell

Jika Allah yang menolong kamu, maka tiadalah yang dapat mengalahkanmu, jika Allah membiarkan kamu (tidak menolongmu)maka siapakah yang dapat menolong kamu selain Allah. -Ali Imran 160